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491 People - Mandarin(China) Commands speech dataset

command words data
speech assistant data
Car voice data
commands speech dataset

Mandarin(China) Commands speech dataset, each recording the same corpus with 17 commonly used command words. The proportion of male and female speakers is balanced, covering multiple age groups. The data is recorded by Bluetooth headset, covering the mainstream models in the market. It can be used for the voice assistant, command control, and other application scenarios.Quality tested by various AI companies. We strictly adhere to data protection regulations and privacy standards, ensuring the maintenance of user privacy and legal rights throughout the data collection, storage, and usage processes, our datasets are all GDPR, CCPA, PIPL complied.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
16kHz, 16bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel
Recording environment
quiet indoor environment, without echo
Recording content (read speech)
including: '播放音乐', '开始播放', '暂停音乐', '暂停播放', '停止音乐', '停止播放', '接听电话', '挂断电话', '增大音量', '声音大点', '减小音量', '声音小点', '后退一首', '上一首', '快进一首', '下一首', '收藏音乐' ; a total of 17 Chinese Commands
491 Chinese, balance for gender.
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