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319,977 Sentences - Mandarin Polyphone Corpus Data

Chinese Polysyllabic Corpus
Chinese polyphone corpus
Chinese corpus

The Mandarin Polyphone Corpus Data is designed for polyphone disambiguation. It includes 603 common Mandarin pinyin pronunciations, There are differences in the number of phonetic corpora according to the number of phrases in a single word.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data content
corpus for polyphone disambiguation.
Data size
including 603 Mandarin character-pinyin pairs and 319,977 sentences
Data source
including news and colloquial sentences
annotating the Mandarin pinyin pronunciation of specific polyphone contained in the sentence
Application scenarios
speech synthesis
at a Character Accuracy Rate of 99%
Sample Sample
  • 319,977 Sentences - Mandarin Polyphone Corpus Data
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