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Nexdata Sale Partner Program

Nexdata thrives on building strong partnerships and believes success will come from clear commitment and engagement on both sides. We are looking for business partners to extend our sales network in international scale.

Major Benefit


Become a listed partner and get discovered by potential clients

  • Advertisement and Promotion
  • Offical Website listing
  • PR materials
  • Partner Events
  • Executive Marketing Materials

Expand Your Capability

Leverage our decades of annotation experiences, global data processing centers, 50+ oversea co-partners, and robust data management platform. You will never fail your client's expectations

  • Access our data collection equipment and facilities
  • Access internal task management platform and get accurate evaluation
  • Access to our internal marketing report

Our Business

Off-the-Shelf Dataset

Off-the-Shelf Dataset

Covering 200,000 hours of speech datasets, 800TB of computer vision datasets, about 2 billion pieces of natural language processing(NLP) data and 5TB unlabeled text data(LLM). Data quality has been tested and trusted by global AI companies.

Data Service

Data Service

Equipped with professional data collection devices, tools and environments, as well as experienced project managers in data collection and quality control. We can meet the data collection requirements in various scenarios and types.

Industries Data Solution


10+ years of data processing experience and an in-depth understanding of the data requirements in different scenarios; Nexdata owns reliable data collection and annotation tools and automatic data processing capabilities. provides ADAS, in-cabin, smart home, AR/VR and other multi-scenario data solutions.

Nexdata is committed to providing a solid infrastructure
for the rapid development of the artificial intelligence
industry through high-quality data services.

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