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558,870 Videos - 50 Types of Dynamic Gesture Recognition Data

Vehicle dynamic gesture data
home gesture data
gesture recognition data
21 key point gesture image data
static gesture data
dynamic gesture data
key point dataset
key point annotation
gesture key point dataset

558,870 Videos - 50 Types of Dynamic Gesture Recognition Data. The collecting scenes of this dataset include indoor scenes and outdoor scenes (natural scenery, street view, square, etc.). The data covers males and females. The age distribution ranges from teenager to senior. The data diversity includes multiple scenes, 50 types of dynamic gestures, 5 photographic angles, multiple light conditions, different photographic distances. This data can be used for dynamic gesture recognition of smart homes, audio equipments and on-board systems.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
558,870 videos, 219,660 videos were collected by laptop, 339,210 videos were collected by cellphone or iPad
Population distribution
Asian, the gender distribution is male and female, the age distribution is under 18 years old, 18-40 years old, and over 40 years old
Collection environment
including indoor scenes and outdoor scenes (natural scenery, street view, square, etc.)
Data diversity
including multiple scenes, 50 types of dynamic gestures, 5 photographic angles, multiple light conditions, different photographic distances
cellphone, iPad, laptop
Collecting angle
front, left, right, up and down
Collecting distance
0.3m, 0.6m, 1m, 2m, 3m
Data format
the video data format is .mp4, .mov, .wmv
Collecting content
dynamic gestures of the left and right hand were collected at 5 photographic angles respectively
based on the accuracy of the gesture actions, the accuracy exceeds 97%; the accuracy of the video naming exceeds 97%; the accuracy of labels annotation is not less than 97%
Sample Sample
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