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314,178 Images 18_Gestures Recognition Data

multiple scenes
18 gestures
5 shooting angels
multiple ages
multiple light conditions
gesture recognition
21 gestural landmarks annotation

314,178 Images 18_Gestures Recognition Data. This data diversity includes multiple scenes, 18 gestures, 5 shooting angels, multiple ages and multiple light conditions. For annotation, gesture 21 landmarks (each landmark includes the attribute of visible and visible), gesture type and gesture attributes were annotated. This data can be used for tasks such as gesture recognition and human-machine interaction.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
314,178 images, 18 gestures
Population distribution
the race distribution is yellow race, the gender distribution is male and female, the age distribution is mainly young and middle-aged
Collection environment
indoor scenes and outdoor scenes (natural scenery, roadside street view, square, etc.)
Data diversity
multiple scenes, 18 gestures, 5 shooting angels, multiple ages, multiple light conditions
Collection device
Image parameter
the image format is .jpg, the annotated file format is .json
Annotation content
21 landmarks annotation (each landmark includes the attribute of visible and visible), gesture type annotation, gesture attributes annotation
the accuracy of gesture landmarks annotation is not less than 95%; the accuracies of gesture type and gesture attributes are not less than 95%
Sample Sample
  • 314,178 Images 18_Gestures Recognition Data
  • 314,178 Images 18_Gestures Recognition Data
  • 314,178 Images 18_Gestures Recognition Data
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