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Podrás ver lo que- estamos- haciendo/ en cada uno de ellos%.k o0 . n o1 . T e0 / t o1 . D o0 s / n w0 e1 s . t r o0 s / p e0 r . f i1 . l e0 s / e0 n / rr e1 . D e0 s / s o0 . T j0 a1 . l e0 s / p o0 . D r a1 s / b e0 r / l o0 / k e0 / e0 s . t a1 . m o0 s / a0 . T j0 e1 n . d o0 / e0 n / k a1 . D a0 / u1 . n o0 / d e0 / e1 . L o0 s","size":0,"progress":100,"type":"mp3"},{"name":"/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200004.wav","url":"https://bj-oss-datatang-03.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/filesInfoUpload/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200004.wav?Expires=4102329599&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI8NWs2pDolLNH&Signature=n5T%2BCMnhwlNAre6GpNYXB%2BzN5%2Bc%3D","intro":"Nuestro plan internacional mensual/ no se puede usar- en países sin cobertura%, en cruceros/ o en- aviones%.n w0 e1 s . t r o0 / p l a0 n / i0 n . t e0 r . n a0 . T j0 o0 . n a1 l / m e0 n . s w0 a1 l / n o0 / s e0 / p w0 e1 . D e0 / u0 . s a1 r / e0 n / p a0 . i1 . s e0 s / s i0 n / k o0 . B e0 r . t u1 . r a0 / e0 n / k r u0 . T e1 . r o0 s / o0 / e0 n / a0 . B j0 o1 . n e0 s","size":0,"progress":100,"type":"mp3"},{"name":"/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200001.wav","url":"https://bj-oss-datatang-03.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/filesInfoUpload/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200001.wav?Expires=4102329599&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI8NWs2pDolLNH&Signature=kX5KDPWPuiBc41LoXJa7lqWcilE%3D","intro":"Para corregir algún dato de tu reserva%, puedes comunicarte con Violeta/ a través de la web%.p a1 . r a0 / k o0 . rr e0 . x i1 r / a0 l . G u1 n / d a1 . t o0 / d e0 / t u0 / rr e0 . s e1 r . B a0 / p w0 e1 . D e0 s / k o0 . m u0 . n i0 . k a1 r . t e0 / k o0 n / b j0 o0 . l e1 . t a0 / a0 / t r a0 . B e1 s / d e0 / l a0 / w e0 B","size":0,"progress":100,"type":"mp3"},{"name":"/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200002.wav","url":"https://bj-oss-datatang-03.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/filesInfoUpload/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200002.wav?Expires=4102329599&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI8NWs2pDolLNH&Signature=WR6i8sfsbweFFaFCcegdKU%2FjIXY%3D","intro":"El sombrero/ está hecho con materiales resistentes- al- agua% y se mantiene seco% incluso bajo una lluvia moderada%.e0 l / s o0 m . b r e1 . r o0 / e0 s . t a1 / e1 . tS o0 / k o0 n / m a0 . t e0 . r j0 a1 . l e0 s / rr e0 . s i0 s . t e1 n . t e0 s / a0 l / a1 . G w0 a0 / i0 / s e0 / m a0 n . t j0 e1 . n e0 / s e1 . k o0 / i0 n . k l u1 . s o0 / b a1 . x o0 / u1 . n a0 / L u1 . B j0 a0 / m o0 . D e0 . r a1 . D a0","size":0,"progress":100,"type":"mp3"},{"name":"/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200005.wav","url":"https://bj-oss-datatang-03.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/filesInfoUpload/data/apps/damp/temp/ziptemp/APY231120001_demo1706781603265/APY231120001_demo/200005.wav?Expires=4102329599&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI8NWs2pDolLNH&Signature=oIEfKY%2BNMS7cbsjW1lMu6QnVmq4%3D","intro":"Si tu transacción fue rechazada%, por favor verifica con tu banco/ si se ha efectuado/ el descargo del dinero%.s i0 / t u0 / t r a0 n . s a0 k . T j0 o1 n / f w0 e0 / rr e0 . tS a0 . T a1 . D a0 / p o0 r / f a0 . B o1 r / b e0 . r i0 . f i1 . k a0 / k o0 n / t u0 / b a1 n . k o0 / s i0 / s e0 / a0 / e0 . f e0 k . t w0 a1 . D o0 / e0 l / d e0 s . k a1 r . G o0 / d e0 l / d i0 . n e1 . r o0","size":0,"progress":100,"type":"mp3"}],"officialSummary":"2 People - Spanish Average Tone Speech Synthesis Corpus. It is recorded by native Spaniard, with authentic accent. The phoneme coverage is balanced. Professional phonetician participates in the annotation. It precisely matches with the research and development needs of the speech synthesis.","dataexampl":null,"datakeyword":["TTS","Spanish","Average Tone"],"isDelete":null,"ids":null,"idsList":null,"datasetCode":null,"productStatus":null,"tagTypeEn":"Voice Type,Language","tagTypeZh":null,"website":null,"samplePresentationList":null,"datazyList":null,"keyInformationList":null,"dataexamplList":null,"bgimg":null,"datazyScriptList":null,"datakeywordListString":null,"sourceShowPage":"speechSyn","BGimg":"brightSpot_audio","voiceBg":["/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg2.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg3.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg4.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg5.webp"]}
2 People - Spanish Average Tone Speech Synthesis Corpus
Average Tone
2 People - Spanish Average Tone Speech Synthesis Corpus. It is recorded by native Spaniard, with authentic accent. The phoneme coverage is balanced. Professional phonetician participates in the annotation. It precisely matches with the research and development needs of the speech synthesis.
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
48,000Hz, 24bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel;
Recording environment
professional recording studio;
Recording content
customer service and general;
spanish, 1 male and 1 female;
word and phoneme transcription, four-level prosodic boundary annotation;
Application scenarios
speech synthesis.
Conoce todos nuestros perfiles en redes- sociales%. Podrás ver lo que- estamos- haciendo/ en cada uno de ellos%.k o0 . n o1 . T e0 / t o1 . D o0 s / n w0 e1 s . t r o0 s / p e0 r . f i1 . l e0 s / e0 n / rr e1 . D e0 s / s o0 . T j0 a1 . l e0 s / p o0 . D r a1 s / b e0 r / l o0 / k e0 / e0 s . t a1 . m o0 s / a0 . T j0 e1 n . d o0 / e0 n / k a1 . D a0 / u1 . n o0 / d e0 / e1 . L o0 s
Nuestro plan internacional mensual/ no se puede usar- en países sin cobertura%, en cruceros/ o en- aviones%.n w0 e1 s . t r o0 / p l a0 n / i0 n . t e0 r . n a0 . T j0 o0 . n a1 l / m e0 n . s w0 a1 l / n o0 / s e0 / p w0 e1 . D e0 / u0 . s a1 r / e0 n / p a0 . i1 . s e0 s / s i0 n / k o0 . B e0 r . t u1 . r a0 / e0 n / k r u0 . T e1 . r o0 s / o0 / e0 n / a0 . B j0 o1 . n e0 s
Para corregir algún dato de tu reserva%, puedes comunicarte con Violeta/ a través de la web%.p a1 . r a0 / k o0 . rr e0 . x i1 r / a0 l . G u1 n / d a1 . t o0 / d e0 / t u0 / rr e0 . s e1 r . B a0 / p w0 e1 . D e0 s / k o0 . m u0 . n i0 . k a1 r . t e0 / k o0 n / b j0 o0 . l e1 . t a0 / a0 / t r a0 . B e1 s / d e0 / l a0 / w e0 B
El sombrero/ está hecho con materiales resistentes- al- agua% y se mantiene seco% incluso bajo una lluvia moderada%.e0 l / s o0 m . b r e1 . r o0 / e0 s . t a1 / e1 . tS o0 / k o0 n / m a0 . t e0 . r j0 a1 . l e0 s / rr e0 . s i0 s . t e1 n . t e0 s / a0 l / a1 . G w0 a0 / i0 / s e0 / m a0 n . t j0 e1 . n e0 / s e1 . k o0 / i0 n . k l u1 . s o0 / b a1 . x o0 / u1 . n a0 / L u1 . B j0 a0 / m o0 . D e0 . r a1 . D a0
Si tu transacción fue rechazada%, por favor verifica con tu banco/ si se ha efectuado/ el descargo del dinero%.s i0 / t u0 / t r a0 n . s a0 k . T j0 o1 n / f w0 e0 / rr e0 . tS a0 . T a1 . D a0 / p o0 r / f a0 . B o1 r / b e0 . r i0 . f i1 . k a0 / k o0 n / t u0 / b a1 n . k o0 / s i0 / s e0 / a0 / e0 . f e0 k . t w0 a1 . D o0 / e0 l / d e0 s . k a1 r . G o0 / d e0 l / d i0 . n e1 . r o0
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