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217 Hours - Spanish Financial Entities Real-world Casual Conversation and Monologue speech dataset

Spontaneous Dialogue

Spanish Financial Entities Real-world Casual Conversation and Monologue speech dataset, covering various financial professional terminologies, primarily focuses on macroeconomics and microeconomics, mirrors real-world interactions. Transcribed with text content, speaker's ID, gender, common entities and other attributes. Our dataset was collected from extensive and diversify speakers, geographicly speaking, enhancing model performance in real and complex tasks. Quality tested by various AI companies. We strictly adhere to data protection regulations and privacy standards, ensuring the maintenance of user privacy and legal rights throughout the data collection, storage, and usage processes, our datasets are all GDPR, CCPA, PIPL complied.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
16k Hz, 16 bit, wav, mono channel
Content category
Covering various financial professional terminologies, primarily focuses on macroeconomics(market trends, financial policies, etc.), microeconomics(individual enterprises, stocks, investment portfolios, etc.)
Recording condition
Low background noise
Spain(ESP), Latin countries
Language(Region) Code
es-ES, etc.
Features of annotation
transcription text, timestamp, speaker identification, gender, noise, PII redacted, entities, letter case
Word Accuracy Rate (WAR) at least 98%
Sample Sample
  • Audio

    no podía yo ni siquiera concebir el impacto que Cracks iba a tener en mi vida y en la de tantas personas como tú.

  • Audio

    en en no estar en control y apenas tomas control todo empieza a.[N]

  • Audio

    Toma control, si tú quieres que el futuro sea diferente sal a construirlo, ¿no? Sa- sal a hacer que sea diferente.[N]

  • Audio

    Una iniciativa superinteresante de la que os comentaremos más en un momento. Pero por ahora y para arrancar pongámonos en situación.[N]

  • Audio

    Este vídeo ha sido posible gracias a Microwd. Con su apoyo, Microwd nos está permitiendo preparar en VisualEconomik una serie de vídeos sobre América Latina.[N]

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