[{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data size","value":"4,601 images, 22 kinds"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Collection environment","value":"pure color background"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data diversity","value":"including multiple types of bills, multiple provinces"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Device","value":"cellphone"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Image Parameter","value":"the image data is in .jpg format, the annotation file is in .json format"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Annotation content","value":"line-level quadrilateral bounding box annotation, line-level transcription for the texts"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Accuracy","value":"the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 5 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 97%; the texts transcription accuracy is not less than 97%"}]
{"id":1028,"datatype":"1","titleimg":"https://res.datatang.com/asset/productNew/APY190730002.png?Expires=2007353670&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI5tQwXnJZbubgVfVa1ep9&Signature=0n1h5CswI46eZGTLeaIGSEbGbbY%3D","type1":"147","type1str":null,"type2":"147","type2str":null,"dataname":"4,601 Images-22 Kinds of Bills OCR Data","datazy":[{"title":"Data size","value":"4,601 images, 22 kinds"},{"title":"Collection environment","value":"pure color background"},{"title":"Data diversity","value":"including multiple types of bills, multiple provinces"},{"title":"Device","value":"cellphone"},{"title":"Image Parameter","value":"the image data is in .jpg format, the annotation file is in .json format"},{"title":"Annotation content","value":"line-level quadrilateral bounding box annotation, line-level transcription for the texts"},{"title":"Accuracy","value":"the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 5 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 97%; the texts transcription accuracy is not less than 97%"}],"datatag":"Multiple types of bills,Multiple provinces","technologydoc":null,"downurl":null,"datainfo":"4,603 Images-25 Kinds of Bills OCR Annotation and Transcription Data. The data includes 25 kinds of bills and multi-province. Annotation: quadrangular boxes and line-level text transcription. This data can be applied to bill recognition and character recognition etc.","standard":null,"dataylurl":null,"flag":null,"publishtime":null,"createby":null,"createtime":null,"ext1":null,"samplestoreloc":null,"hosturl":null,"datasize":null,"industryPlan":null,"keyInformation":["4,601 images","22 kings of bills","multiple provinces"],"samplePresentation":["mp4",""],"officialSummary":"4,601 Images-22 Kinds of Bills OCR Data. The data background is pure color. The data covers 22 kinds of bills of multiple provinces. In terms of annotation, line-level quadrilateral bounding box annotation, line-level transcription for the texts were annotated in the data. The data can be used for tasks such as OCR for bills.","dataexampl":"","datakeyword":["OCR"," bill annotation"," bill transcription"," multiple types of bills","multiple provinces"],"isDelete":null,"ids":null,"idsList":null,"datasetCode":null,"productStatus":null,"tagTypeEn":"Data Type,Language","tagTypeZh":null,"website":null,"samplePresentationList":null,"datazyList":null,"keyInformationList":null,"dataexamplList":null,"bgimg":null,"datazyScriptList":null,"datakeywordListString":null,"sourceShowPage":"ocr","BGimg":"","voiceBg":["/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg2.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg3.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg4.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg5.webp"],"single":"yes"}
4,601 Images-22 Kinds of Bills OCR Data
bill annotation
bill transcription
multiple types of bills
multiple provinces
4,601 Images-22 Kinds of Bills OCR Data. The data background is pure color. The data covers 22 kinds of bills of multiple provinces. In terms of annotation, line-level quadrilateral bounding box annotation, line-level transcription for the texts were annotated in the data. The data can be used for tasks such as OCR for bills.
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
4,601 images, 22 kinds
Collection environment
pure color background
Data diversity
including multiple types of bills, multiple provinces
Image Parameter
the image data is in .jpg format, the annotation file is in .json format
Annotation content
line-level quadrilateral bounding box annotation, line-level transcription for the texts
the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 5 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 97%; the texts transcription accuracy is not less than 97%
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