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7 Million Sets - High-Quality Video Caption Dataset

LLM dataset

7 million global genuine high-quality videos. All are genuine video works released by photographers around the world. 6 million of them are described in English and 1 million in Chinese. They cover a variety of categories such as people, landscapes, animals, etc. The resolution is above 1080p.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
7 million global genuine high-quality videos (more than 2 million videos with human themes), of which 6 million videos are described in English and 1 million videos are described in Chinese.
Data content
genuine video works published by global authors, as well as a list of descriptions and tags.
Data categories
covering various categories such as characters, landscapes, animals,etc.
Video resolution
over 1,080P
Description language
80% of videos in English
Data format
.mp4,.mov,.avi and other common formats;.xlsx (annotation file format)
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