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130 Million - Chinese Test Question Texts from Elementary School to University Parsing And Processing Data

Professional questions

130 million Chinese question text data from primary school to college, 20.87 million K12 question data (including 16 million parsing questions), 117 million college and vocational question data (including 7 million parsing questions)

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data content
K-12 test question data + university and vocational test question data
Data size
Total of 20.87 million K12 test questions (including 16.00 million with explanations); total of 117 million university and vocational test questions (including 7 million with explanations)
Data fields
K12 test questions include fields such as quality, content_type, type, grade_band, difficulty, grade, course, answer_info, solution_info, chapter, knowledge_point; university and vocational test questions include fields such as answer, parse, and category.
Major categories
For K12 test questions, the educational stages are primary school, junior high school, and senior high school, with subjects including Chinese, mathematics, English, history, geography, politics, biology, physics, chemistry, and science; for university and vocational test questions, the fields include public security, civil service, medicine, foreign languages, academic qualifications, engineering, education, law, economics, vocational, computer science, professional qualifications, and finance.
Question type categories
Multiple-choice, Single-choice, True or false, Fill-in-the-blank, etc.
Storage format
Sample Sample
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