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20,011 Image Caption Data of OCR in Natural Scenes

English caption
OCR caption
multilingual OCR data
multilingual OCR data
OCR data
OCR dataset

20,011 Image Caption Data of OCR in Natural Scenes, including Asian and European languages, a total of 14 languages, the collection environment includes shop plaques, stop signs, posters, road signs and other scenes, including a variety of shooting angles. The description language is English, which mainly describes the text arrangement, text content, color and other information.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
20,011 pictures, 20,011descriptions
Language distribution
Asian languages: Korean, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Japanese European languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, English
Collection environment
including store plaques, stop signs, posters, road signs, prompts and other scenes
Collection diversity
including 14 languages, various natural scenes, and multiple shooting angles
Data format
image format is .jpg, text format is .txt
Collection equipment
mobile phone, camera
Description language
Text length
in principle, 30~60 words, usually 3-5 sentences
Main description content
text arrangement, text content, color, scene
Main deAccuracy ratescription content
the proportion of correctly labeled images is not less than 97%
Sample Sample
  • 20,011  Image Caption Data of OCR in Natural Scenes
  • 20,011  Image Caption Data of OCR in Natural Scenes
  • 20,011  Image Caption Data of OCR in Natural Scenes
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