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10,100 Image Caption Data of Human Face

multi-pose face image data
face dataset

10,100 Image caption data of human face includes multiple races under the age of 18, 18~45 years old, 46~60 years old, and over 60 years old; the collection scene is rich, including indoor scenes and outdoor scenes; the image content is rich, including wearing masks, glasses, wearing headphones, facial expressions, gestures, and adversarial examples. The language of the text description is English, which mainly describes the race, gender, age, shooting angle, lighting and diversity content, etc.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
10,100 images
Race distribution
Asian, Caucasian, Black, Brown
Gender distribution
male, female
Age distribution
under 18 years old, 18~45 years old, 46~60 years old, over 60 years old
Collection environment
including indoor scenes and outdoor scenes
Collection diversity
different age groups, different collection environments, and different seasons
Diversity of content
including wearing masks, adversarial samples, expression data, wearing glasses, wearing headphones, and multiple gestures
Data format
image format is .jpg, text format is .txt
Description language
English, Chinese
Text length
in principle, 30~60 words, usually 3-5 sentences
Main description content
race, gender, age, shooting angle, lighting, diversity content
Accuracy rate
the proportion of correctly labeled images is not less than 97%
Sample Sample
  • 10,100 Image Caption Data of Human Face
  • 10,100 Image Caption Data of Human Face
  • 10,100 Image Caption Data of Human Face
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