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Millions of Foreign Face Data_Single Image

Million id
foreign face
single image

Millions of Foreign Face Data. One person have one frontal face image. The race distribution includes Asian, Black, Caucasian and brown people, the age distribution is ranging from infant to the elderly, the middle-aged and young people are the majorities. The collection environment includes indoor and outdoor scenes. The data diversity includes multiple age periods, multiple scenes, multiple facial postures and multiple expressions. The data can be used for tasks such as face recognition. We strictly adhere to data protection regulations and privacy standards, ensuring the maintenance of user privacy and legal rights throughout the data collection, storage, and usage processes, our datasets are all GDPR, CCPA, PIPL complied.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
at least a million, one person have one frontal face image
Poplution distribution
race distribution: Asian, Black, Caucasian, Brown people; gender distribution: male, female; age distribution: ranging from infant to the elderly, the middle-aged and young people are the majorities
Collecting environment
indoor scenes, outdoor scenes
Data diversity
multiple age periods, multiple scenes, multiple facial postures, multiple expressions
cellphone, camera
Data format
the image data format is .jpg
the image data format is .jpg
label the person – ID, nationality, gender, age group
Accuracy rate
the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%
Sample Sample
  • Millions of Foreign Face Data_Single Image
  • Millions of Foreign Face Data_Single Image
  • Millions of Foreign Face Data_Single Image
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