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{"id":1109,"datatype":"1","titleimg":"[{\"name\": \"APY210518001.png\", \"url\": \"https://res.datatang.com/asset/productNew/APY210518001.png?Expires=2007353691&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI5tQwXnJZbubgVfVa1ep9&Signature=ik7pLx0a5qI6geHLndEkFVRSEsU%3D\", \"size\": 2048, \"progress\": 100}]","type1":"147","type1str":null,"type2":"148","type2str":null,"dataname":"100 People - Gait Recognition Data","datazy":[{"title":"Data size","desc":"Data size","content":"100 people"},{"title":"Population distribution","desc":"Population distribution","content":"gender distribution: 24 males, 76 females; race distribution: Asian; age distribution: 12 people under 18 years old, 38 people aged from 18 to 30, 15 people aged from 31 to 45, 27 people aged from 46 to 60, 8 people over 60 years old"},{"title":"Collecting environment","desc":"Collecting environment","content":"indoor scenes (exhibition hall, front desk), outdoor scenes (square, gate of the company)"},{"title":"Data diversity","desc":"Data diversity","content":"multiple age groups, multiple time periods, 5 kinds of scenes, 3 kinds of garments, different shooting angles"},{"title":"Device","desc":"Device","content":"surveillance camera, the image resolution is 1,920x1,080"},{"title":"Collecting time","desc":"Collecting time","content":"day, night"},{"title":"Data format","desc":"Data format","content":"the video data format is .avi, the image data format is .jpg"},{"title":"Collection content","desc":"Collection content","content":"collecting the gait videos from different surveillance cameras"},{"title":"Annotation content","desc":"Annotation content","content":"the binarization processing was adopted for the image frames"},{"title":"Accuracy","desc":"Accuracy","content":"the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%"}],"datatag":"Multiple age groups,Multiple time periods,5 kinds of scenes,3 kinds of garments,Different shooting angles","technologydoc":null,"downurl":null,"datainfo":null,"standard":null,"dataylurl":null,"flag":null,"publishtime":null,"createby":null,"createtime":null,"ext1":null,"samplestoreloc":null,"hosturl":null,"datasize":null,"industryPlan":null,"keyInformation":"","samplePresentation":[],"officialSummary":"100 People - Gait Recognition Data. The collecting scenes of this dataset include indoor scenes (exhibition hall, front desk), outdoor scenes (square, gate of the company) . The data diversity includes multiple age groups, multiple time periods, 5 kinds of scenes, 3 kinds of garments, different shooting angles. For annotation, the binarization processing was adopted for the image frames. The data can be used for tasks such as gait recognition in surveillance scenes.","dataexampl":null,"datakeyword":["surveillance scenes"," gait recognition"," multiple age groups"," multiple time periods"," 5 kinds of scenes"," 3 kinds of garments"," different shooting angles"," binarization processing"],"isDelete":null,"ids":null,"idsList":null,"datasetCode":null,"productStatus":null,"tagTypeEn":"Task Type,Modalities","tagTypeZh":null,"website":null,"samplePresentationList":null,"datazyList":null,"keyInformationList":null,"dataexamplList":null,"bgimg":null,"datazyScriptList":null,"datakeywordListString":null,"sourceShowPage":"computer","BGimg":"","voiceBg":["/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg2.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg3.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg4.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg5.webp"]}
100 People - Gait Recognition Data
surveillance scenes
gait recognition
multiple age groups
multiple time periods
5 kinds of scenes
3 kinds of garments
different shooting angles
binarization processing
100 People - Gait Recognition Data. The collecting scenes of this dataset include indoor scenes (exhibition hall, front desk), outdoor scenes (square, gate of the company) . The data diversity includes multiple age groups, multiple time periods, 5 kinds of scenes, 3 kinds of garments, different shooting angles. For annotation, the binarization processing was adopted for the image frames. The data can be used for tasks such as gait recognition in surveillance scenes.
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Population distribution
gender distribution: 24 males, 76 females; race distribution: Asian; age distribution: 12 people under 18 years old, 38 people aged from 18 to 30, 15 people aged from 31 to 45, 27 people aged from 46 to 60, 8 people over 60 years old
Collecting environment
indoor scenes (exhibition hall, front desk), outdoor scenes (square, gate of the company)
Data diversity
multiple age groups, multiple time periods, 5 kinds of scenes, 3 kinds of garments, different shooting angles
surveillance camera, the image resolution is 1,920x1,080
Collecting time
day, night
Data format
the video data format is .avi, the image data format is .jpg
Collection content
collecting the gait videos from different surveillance cameras
Annotation content
the binarization processing was adopted for the image frames
the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%
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