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5,199 People – 3D Face Recognition Images Data

3D Face Recognition
multiple facial postures
multiple light conditions
multiple indoor scenes

5,199 People – 3D Face Recognition Images Data. The collection scene is indoor scene. The dataset includes males and females. The age distribution ranges from juvenile to the elderly, the young people and the middle aged are the majorities. The device includes iPhone X, iPhone XR. The data diversity includes multiple facial postures, multiple light conditions, multiple indoor scenes. This data can be used for tasks such as 3D face recognition.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
The data size
5,199 people, one person to collect 24 photos
Personnel distribution
Ethnic distribution: Asian; Gender distribution: male and female; Age distribution: from young to old, mainly young and middle-aged
Acquisition environment
Indoor scene
Collection diversity
Face posture, a variety of lighting conditions, a variety of indoor scenes
Acquisition equipment
iPhone X,iPhone XR
The data format
Tagging content
The label marks the person ID, race, gender, age, face action, collection scene and lighting conditions
According to the accuracy of the acquisition movement, the accuracy is more than 97%; The labeling accuracy rate is above 97%
Sample Sample
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Recommended DatasetsRecommended Dataset
2,937 People with Occlusion and Multi-pose Face Recognition Data

2,937 People with Occlusion and Multi-pose Face Recognition Data, for each subject, 200 images were collected. The 200 images includes 4 kinds of light conditions * 10 kinds of occlusion cases (including non-occluded case) * 5 kinds of face pose. This data can be applied to computer vision tasks such as occluded face detection and recognition.rn

Face recognition Face occlusion Multi-pose per person Face with mask Multiple light conditions Multiplescenes blockage closure stoppage block stop obstruction blocking occluded front occlusive check closing embolism apoplexy shutdown hindrance blockade thrombosis impaction tampons arrest close congestion embolus fastener hitch obturation seal stopper abocclusion blocks clog clot clotting constipation holdup impediment occludent plug stoppages stopples stops tampon thrombus airlock barrier cap catch clogging cork plugging posture perplex puzzle mystify nonplus bewilder gravel flummox position baffle amaze dumbfound masquerade beat stick stupefy impersonate attitude place stance model present affectation mannerism attitudinize sit put submit show airs front propose suggest pretense propound affectedness raise strike a pose constitute facade personate show off advance pretend act bluff arrange put on airs peacock posing confront look meet front facing surface encounter side brave grimace experience visage address veneer countenance tackle cover oppose confronting defy expression aspect appearance cheek watch challenge nerve font overlook endure withstand suffer brass cope with dial head exterior typeface handle undergo be facing facade face up facial expression physiognomy beard boldness outside deal faces
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