[{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data size","value":"10 categories, including 18 subclasses, a group of data contains 2 images from different angles and 1 video"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Collecting environment","value":"including street, snack street, shop entrance, corridor, community entrance, construction site, etc."},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data diversity","value":"multiple scenes, different time periods, different photographic angles"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Device","value":"cellphone"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Collecting angle","value":"looking down angle"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Collecting time","value":"day, night"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data format","value":"the image data format is .jpg, the video data format is .mp4, .mov, the annotation file format is .json"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Annotation content","value":"the urban refined management categories in the images were annotated with rectangular bounding boxes"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Accuracy rata","value":"the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 3 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 95%; the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%"}]
{"id":1092,"datatype":"1","titleimg":"[{\"name\": \"APY200315001.png\", \"url\": \"https://res.datatang.com/asset/productNew/APY200315001.png?Expires=2007353681&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI5tQwXnJZbubgVfVa1ep9&Signature=zsukEVf8Wati%2BZObDQnQzAAiK6k%3D\", \"size\": 2048, \"progress\": 100}]","type1":"147","type1str":null,"type2":"148","type2str":null,"dataname":"10 Categories – 8,085 Groups of Urban Refined Management Data","datazy":[{"title":"Data size","desc":"Data size","content":"10 categories, including 18 subclasses, a group of data contains 2 images from different angles and 1 video"},{"title":"Collecting environment","desc":"Collecting environment","content":"including street, snack street, shop entrance, corridor, community entrance, construction site, etc."},{"title":"Data diversity","desc":"Data diversity","content":"multiple scenes, different time periods, different photographic angles"},{"title":"Device","desc":"Device","content":"cellphone"},{"title":"Collecting angle","desc":"Collecting angle","content":"looking down angle"},{"title":"Collecting time","desc":"Collecting time","content":"day, night"},{"title":"Data format","desc":"Data format","content":"the image data format is .jpg, the video data format is .mp4, .mov, the annotation file format is .json"},{"title":"Annotation content","desc":"Annotation content","content":"the urban refined management categories in the images were annotated with rectangular bounding boxes"},{"title":"Accuracy rata","desc":"Accuracy rata","content":"the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 3 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 95%; the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%"}],"datatag":"Multiple scenes,Different time periods,Different photographic angles","technologydoc":null,"downurl":null,"datainfo":null,"standard":null,"dataylurl":null,"flag":null,"publishtime":null,"createby":null,"createtime":null,"ext1":null,"samplestoreloc":null,"hosturl":null,"datasize":null,"industryPlan":null,"keyInformation":"","samplePresentation":[],"officialSummary":"10 Categories – 8,085 Groups of Urban Refined Management Data. The collection scenes include street, snack street, shop entrance, corridor, community entrance, construction site, etc. The data diversity includes multiple scenes, different time periods(day, night), different photographic angles. The urban refined management categories in the images were annotated with rectangular bounding boxesThis data can be used for tasks such as urban refined management.","dataexampl":null,"datakeyword":["Looking down angle"," urban refined management"," multiple scenes"," different time periods(day"," night)"," different photographic angles"],"isDelete":null,"ids":null,"idsList":null,"datasetCode":null,"productStatus":null,"tagTypeEn":"Task Type,Modalities","tagTypeZh":null,"website":null,"samplePresentationList":null,"datazyList":null,"keyInformationList":null,"dataexamplList":null,"bgimg":null,"datazyScriptList":null,"datakeywordListString":null,"sourceShowPage":"computer","BGimg":"","voiceBg":["/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg2.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg3.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg4.webp","/shujutang/static/image/comm/audio_bg5.webp"]}
10 Categories – 8,085 Groups of Urban Refined Management Data
Looking down angle
urban refined management
multiple scenes
different time periods(day
different photographic angles
10 Categories – 8,085 Groups of Urban Refined Management Data. The collection scenes include street, snack street, shop entrance, corridor, community entrance, construction site, etc. The data diversity includes multiple scenes, different time periods(day, night), different photographic angles. The urban refined management categories in the images were annotated with rectangular bounding boxesThis data can be used for tasks such as urban refined management.
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
10 categories, including 18 subclasses, a group of data contains 2 images from different angles and 1 video
Collecting environment
including street, snack street, shop entrance, corridor, community entrance, construction site, etc.
Data diversity
multiple scenes, different time periods, different photographic angles
Collecting angle
looking down angle
Collecting time
day, night
Data format
the image data format is .jpg, the video data format is .mp4, .mov, the annotation file format is .json
Annotation content
the urban refined management categories in the images were annotated with rectangular bounding boxes
Accuracy rata
the error bound of each vertex of quadrilateral bounding box is within 3 pixels, which is a qualified annotation, the accuracy of bounding boxes is not less than 95%; the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 95%