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64,378 Images Data of 1,073 Dogs' Noses

dog nose
multiple dog types
segmentation annotation on the dog's nose
multiple scenes
Shiba Inu
dog face recognition
dog identification

64,378 Images Data of 1,073 Dogs' Noses. The data includes indoor and outdoor scenes(the collection scene of the same dog didn't change). The data covers multiple dog types (such as Teddy, Labrador, Shiba Inu, etc.), and multiple lights. Segmentation annotation was done on the dog's nose. The data can be applied to dog face recognition, dog identification, etc.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
1,073 dogs, 64,378 images
multiple scenes, including indoor and outdoor scenes
multiple scenes, multiple dog types (such as Teddy, Labrador, ShibaInu, etc.), multiple lights
Image parameters
videos are in .mp4 or .MOV format, images are in .jpg format
Collection content
collecting videos of the dog's head
segmentation annotation on the dog's nose (noseprint)
Application scenarios
the dog's noseprint is analogous to human fingerprint, the data can be applied to dog face recognition, dog identification, etc
Sample Sample
  • 64,378 Images Data of 1,073 Dogs' Noses
  • 64,378 Images Data of 1,073 Dogs' Noses
  • 64,378 Images Data of 1,073 Dogs' Noses
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